Foster a Bulldog in Need

Please contact if you are interested in fostering.

Unsure if you’re the fostering kind? There is no perfect profile of a foster family, but there are some things you should know before volunteering to foster an English bulldog.

There’s a time commitment. You may be asked to foster a dog from two weeks to two months, depending on circumstances. Foster parents don’t need to be home 24 hours a day, but you might have to postpone that weekend getaway or family vacation if you’re asked to take care of an animal for a while.

You may be asked to work with a dog on some basic training and temperament issues. There’s more than just feeding, exercise, and grooming involved with a foster dog. Some might need to be housetrained. Others may have problems with chewing, or jumping on strangers. Foster parents may need to devote time to breaking bad habits so a dog can be socialized. If a dog has a chewing problem, make preparations in advance–don’t leave shoes, clothes, or other important items around. MABDR has access to behaviorists to help our foster parents work on any issues they may have with their foster dogs. The biggest key is PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING. Some of the dogs that come into our rescue have been living in abusive or unkind situations. It is our job to provide them with the love, structure and understanding they need without scolding or “punishing” them. They find themselves in the situation they are in through NO fault of their own.

You might be asked to nurse a dog back to health. It could require giving them medication at certain times of the day or perhaps bathing them periodically. If you have pets at home, you may have to keep them separated if the foster dog is contagious. Before taking in an animal that’s recovering from an illness or disease, check with your vet if you have concerns about your own pets.